Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Role of Phone Coaching in Chronic Pain Management

Today I would like to inform you about the telephone Addiction-Free Pain Management® (APM) Coaching services we offer. If you’re not sure if coaching is for you (or your clients) please go to our Coaching page and click on the Coaching Questionnaire link near the end of the page. If you’re interested in receiving free information and an overview of these services go our Contact page and send a request for this information. Below I want to cover why we believe APM™ Coaching works and the benefits you can receive from coaching.

Why APM™ Coaching Works

The main reason APM™ coaching works is that you’re hiring someone with greater experience than you in pain management and relapse prevention. Your APM™ Certified coach can quickly identify patterns that may not be clear to you. Then your coach can help you devise and implement solutions. When this works well, it’s a very high-leverage relationship. It’s one of the fastest ways to solve challenging problems. Similarly, a good coach will have superior knowledge and experience in the area(s) in which you want to improve.

A coach can use all of this expertise to help you solve specific problems efficiently. This is essentially a variation on the principle of overwhelming force. A pain management or relapse prevention problem that may seem daunting to you might be a fairly simple matter for an experienced APM™ coach.

The real challenge of APM™ coaching is for your coach to help you implement the solutions to your specific problems. Coming up with solutions is easy. Implementing those solutions is the hard part. That’s where good APM™ coaching really performs. Your APM™ coach can work as a guide to help you stay on track, leading you safely through the quagmire of mistakes, blind alleys, and delays.

Benefits of APM™ Coaching

Achievement means the delivery extraordinary results and individual goals achieved, strategies, projects and plans executed. It suggests effectiveness, creativity, and innovation. Effective APM™ coaching delivers achievement, which is sustainable. Because of the emphasis on learning and because your confidence is enhanced ('I worked it out for myself!') the increase in performance is typically sustained for a longer period and will impact on areas that were not directly the subject of coaching.

Fulfillment includes learning and development. To achieve the result is one thing, to achieve it in a way in which you learn and develop as part of the process has a greater value - to you and your coach, for it is the capacity to learn that ensures your going quality of life. Fulfillment also includes the notion that going through coaching you begin to identify goals that are intrinsically rewarding. With fulfillment comes an increase in motivation. That the APM™ coach respects you, your ideas and opinions, that you are doing your work in your own way, that you are pursuing your own goals and are responsible - all this makes you much more inspired and committed.

Joy. Enjoyment ensues when people are achieving their meaningful goals and when learning and developing is part of the process.

These three components – achievement, fulfillment, and joy – are synergistically interlinked and the absence of any one will impact and erode the others. Learning without achievement quickly exhausts your energy. Achievement without learning soon becomes boring. The absence of joy and fun erodes the human spirit.

To learn about the my views on quality treatment please go to my article The Right to Quality Chronic Pain Management that you can download for free on our Ariticles page.

If you would like to see my upcoming trainings and especially to learn about my 20 hour (three days) Addiction-Free Pain Management® Certification Training on December 7-9, 2009 in Sacramento California designed to teach treatment strategies for people living with chronic pain and coexisting disorders including disorders including addiction please Click Here and scroll down to the December 7-9, 2009 for the description and how to sign up.

You can learn more about the Addiction-Free Pain Management® System at our website If you are working with people undergoing chronic pain management and want to learn how to develop a plan for managing their chronic pain and coexisting psychological disorders; including depression, addiction and other coexisting psychological disorders effectively; please consider my book Managing Pain and Coexisting Disorders: Using the Addiction-Free Pain Management® System. To purchase this book please Click Here.

To read the latest issue of Chronic Pain Solutions Newsletter please Click here. If you want to sign up for the newsletter, please Click here and input your name and email address. You will then recieve an autoresponse email that you need to reply to in order to finalize enrollment.

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